Protective shelters
What is a protective shelter for measuring equipment?
The protective shelter is designed to ensure comfortable work with total stations and radar units in difficult conditions. It protects the equipment and the operator from wind, precipitation, sunlight and temperature variations. Such shelters allow working with the equipment in a wider temperature range from -50°C to +50°C, humidity up to 100%.
They not only protect the equipment, but also ensure operator comfort, which is important for successful surveying tasks.
The protective shelter is mounted on the frame of the trailer. Extendable supports allow it to be fixed on the ground.
The terrain is photographed through a special brightened optical glass located in the wall of the shelter.
The shelter secures the total station during transportation and in the field, as well as during blasting operations.
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Павел Жильцов
В 2003 г окончил Московский Энергетический Институт (Технический университет) по специальности «Бытовая радиоэлектронная аппаратура». В 2013 г. решением диссертационного совета при Национальном исследовательском университете «МЭИ» присуждена учёная степень кандидата технических наук. С 2008 г. работал в компании «ГЕКСАГОН ГЕОСИСТЕМС РУС» (бывш. «НАВГЕОКОМ») в должности руководителя отдела разработок, ведущего инженера по системам мониторинга.