The MonTerra company was established in May 2023 after the international group Hexagon (brands Leica Geosystems, IDS GeoRadar, SmartNet, etc.) decided to cease commercial activities in Russia.
Providing unique and professional consulting in the area of high-precision geodetic equipment, technologies and services. We understand our clients' need for professional technical support of previously purchased equipment, as well as for the implementation of new projects in the field of geoinformatics and deformation monitoring.
The experience of our specialists in surveying and GNSS measurements will help you find the best solution for you. We actively support our customers in their pursuit of the digitalization of industry and production processes.
Pavel Zhiltsov
Technical Director
Sergei Vanin
Director for Strategic Development
Andrey Golyshev
Павел Жильцов
В 2003 г окончил Московский Энергетический Институт (Технический университет) по специальности «Бытовая радиоэлектронная аппаратура». В 2013 г. решением диссертационного совета при Национальном исследовательском университете «МЭИ» присуждена учёная степень кандидата технических наук. С 2008 г. работал в компании «ГЕКСАГОН ГЕОСИСТЕМС РУС» (бывш. «НАВГЕОКОМ») в должности руководителя отдела разработок, ведущего инженера по системам мониторинга.